
Welcome to Printed (Electronic) Devices of Things (PDoT) P.C. company – the world leader in Printed Electronic Devices deployed potentially in various Internet of Things (IoT) applications.

PDoT company’s expertise starts from Nanotechnology and more precisely focusing on the by-design synthesis of Nanomaterials and Inks towards Printed Electronic devices (heaters, thermoelectric generators, OPVs, sensors) utilized as IoT application-driven components (e-mobility, smart homes, greenhouses, wearables, etc.)

The company has strong background in the following fields:

  • Synthesis of Nanomaterials via advanced colloidal chemistry ranging from organic nanoparticles (polymer micelles, hydrogels, etc. for bio- and sensor applications, Carbon nanomaterials chemistry & scalable modification protocols for production of CNT inks, Graphene oxide inks, etc.) to inorganic ones (SiO2, ZnO, TiO2, Au, Ag, Fe3O4, etc. and hybrids of core-shell structures at different sizes & surface chemistries).
  • Production of nanoparticle-based Inks (otherwise defined as colloidal dispersions) in different solvents (organic and H2O mainly) with tunable surface tension (via proper additives) and viscosity/ rheology (using appropriate viscosity modifiers and nanoparticle solid content) towards proper formulations for various wet-chemical printing & deposition techniques i.e. ink-jet printing, slot-die coating, gravure printing, spray coating, blade coating, etc.
  • Fabrication of novel Organic & Printed Electronic Devices on rigid, flexible and stretchable substrates (Heaters, Sensors, Thermoelectric Generators – TEGs, OPVs and Perovskite PVs) at low-cost & scalable, as well as process optimization via advanced characterization techniques (AFM, room temperature & cryo- SEM and TEM)
  • Application of the by-design Fabricated devices towards a great number of IoT use cases.

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